• "When I met Andy, he was this old punk rock kid...a social reject in a sense. It was the first time I'd seen a sommelier who was like that, and it really made me comfortable. That's when I decided to study wine."

    – Carlton McCoy, President & CEO Heitz Wine Cellars

  • "I raised an eyebrow when he set the soup he'd made in front of me and said 'strawberry/tomato gazpacho'. I tasted it and thought, 'Ok, here's a guy who understands what delicious is'."

    –Eric Ziebold, Chef/Owner Kinship & Metier restaurants

  • "Of all the motherf*#%ers I know; Andy Myers is the most motherf*#%in'est!"

    -John Wabeck, Gin Maker, Sommelier, Legend

  • "Andy is like some benevolent alien from Planet Flavor."

    -J. Robbins, Musician (Jawbox, Burning Airlines, Channels, Office of Future Plans), Owner of Magpie Cage Recording Studio